"Me Too"
Me too
I have been sexually assaulted too
There's so many people around the world going through this too
And nobody seems to have a clue
Nobody knows how our world is blue
The grass isn't greener and that's the truth
Been shattered to pieces and I can't find the glue
The glue that'll fix me
You'd think that'll do
But you don't have the energy to go and put on your shoes
Nor the energy to wash your hair and use the shampoo
Everything you were into you were no longer into
Used to change your hair all the time but now you stick with the same hairdo
You didn't want to leave the house in case people knew
This thing that you call life you wanted discontinued
So you held back, stayed in and withdrew
from your surroundings and everyone close to you
Even with the glue you still have less value
You can still see the cracks and holes in you too
You'll never be the same again, there's just damage you can't undo
But the flow of your tears must be wiped with a tissue
Keep your head held high and you'll be able to push through
You shouldn't let people's views and judgement get to you
Don't keep it to yourself there's always someone you can turn to
Whether it's a friend, family member or someone close to you
If none of these fit the criteria there's always people to help you,
I promise your wings will return and we will fly with you,
The dreams you've always dreamed of should be continued to be pursued
You can do this, I believe in you
I have been sexually assaulted too
There's so many people around the world going through this too
And nobody seems to have a clue
Nobody knows how our world is blue
The grass isn't greener and that's the truth
Been shattered to pieces and I can't find the glue
The glue that'll fix me
You'd think that'll do
But you don't have the energy to go and put on your shoes
Nor the energy to wash your hair and use the shampoo
Everything you were into you were no longer into
Used to change your hair all the time but now you stick with the same hairdo
You didn't want to leave the house in case people knew
This thing that you call life you wanted discontinued
So you held back, stayed in and withdrew
from your surroundings and everyone close to you
Even with the glue you still have less value
You can still see the cracks and holes in you too
You'll never be the same again, there's just damage you can't undo
But the flow of your tears must be wiped with a tissue
Keep your head held high and you'll be able to push through
You shouldn't let people's views and judgement get to you
Don't keep it to yourself there's always someone you can turn to
Whether it's a friend, family member or someone close to you
If none of these fit the criteria there's always people to help you,
I promise your wings will return and we will fly with you,
The dreams you've always dreamed of should be continued to be pursued
You can do this, I believe in you
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