
Showing posts from 2017


When I met you for the very first time, I saw stars in your eyes, I saw the blue skies, But you were just a demon in disguise, Everything you told me were lies, I know I wasn't being very wise, You always played games you were rolling the dice, So now I'm the one that pays the price, Now I'm the one that can't even sleep at night, All I seem to think about is you there being by my side, I see you in my dreams but I don't see you in real life, But I keep telling myself that one day I might, That just one day everything will be alright, That just one day everything won't go wrong but right, That just one day you'll realise that I'm worth the fight, And hopefully I haven't been wasting my time, Wasting all the tears that I've cried, Wiping them away and pretending that I'm fine, Smiling on the outside but I'm broken inside, With all these feelings I should be putting them aside, But instead I'm here keeping them i...


What did we do to deserve this? The continuous slavery and discrimination People think that we live in a perfect generation But there's still different acts of racism Whether its passive or active People are still being judged and targeted There are deaths yet no one is active About the real problems in the world it's like they are blinded Some people say that they don't see colour But I think that's our underlying problem We need to see colour and accept it We need to see colour, love and respect it We are all human we shouldn't be separated There should not be one race that is hated Race is special, it makes us unique Yet people are out here dying on these streets People are getting killed as we speak Because of their colour that makes them unique We need to be kind to one another and understand what love is But the question is do we really understand what love is? It's not just the love for your family and friends Nor just the love y...

"Me Too"

Me too I have been sexually assaulted too There's so many people around the world going through this too And nobody seems to have a clue Nobody knows how our world is blue The grass isn't greener and that's the truth Been shattered to pieces and I can't find the glue The glue that'll fix me You'd think that'll do But you don't have the energy to go and put on your shoes Nor the energy to wash your hair and use the shampoo Everything you were into you were no longer into Used to change your hair all the time but now you stick with the same hairdo You didn't want to leave the house in case people knew This thing that you call life you wanted discontinued So you held back, stayed in and withdrew from your surroundings and everyone close to you Even with the glue you still have less value You can still see the cracks and holes in you too You'll never be the same again, there's just damage you can't undo But the flow of...

Moving on

Sometimes you just have to let him go Rather than just going with the flow The truth may not come out now but sooner it'll show It's probably not what you want to hear right now but at least you'll know It'll probably make you feel a little low You'll hold onto hope and you'll tell yourself no, this can't be true, he loves me; his eyes said so He just needs time, he wants to take things slow But he'll only come once in a while just like the snow He never settles he's just here for the show You felt like he span your world but he gave you vertigo You'd have done anything for him like Juliet did to be with Romeo But this isn't like the movies that's not how it goes The attention you gave him just boosted his ego You'll call his phone Scream his name and hear your own echo You'll start to reminisce on the memories, you wouldn't want to let them go You'll start to play make belief in your head creating sce...


I finally prevented myself drinking again Drinking whenever I am around men I faced something I thought I never thought I'd be able to face again Even though my anxiety was kicking in After what had happened to me I thought that was the only solution To make me feel comfortable in an environment I'm not comfortable in To do things that I wouldn't normally be doing To forget the reality of what I was facing I caved in drink so that it could help with forgetting But then I realised there was just more mistakes I was making The same mistakes from which I should be learning But I make them again thinking that it could be helping Helping me get over a situation by doing it again But it became more of an addiction An addiction I thought would help me get over it An addiction that helps you forget A way that helps you do things that you won't remember so there's nothing to regret But really I'm still scared of what could happen next So I choose to...

13 reasons why

What if I can't hum on key? That's another reason for people to laugh at me What if my melodies are the one nobody hears The stream will be flowing with all my tears I can finally get rid of all of my fears I can get rid of this hurt from all of these years They find harmonies in their laughter When my life is a complete disaster Their linked elbows echoes in tune Whilst I'm all alone in my bedroom Believing that I'll make friends soon But sadly that isn't true What if the only way not to feel bad is to stop feeling anything at all, forever? Instead of feeling this way I can feel a little better Many people think how you feel can change just like the weather But no this, what I feel is different Everyone wants to talk but nobody wants to listen Maybe if people listened things will be different Maybe I wouldn't have to become so distant When you feel bad they ask you for the reason But what if it's not just one reason but many reasons? ...