They say sleep is for the weak, But some people are actually physically weak, Mentally and spiritually weak, That all they want to do is be in their bed sheets, But being in their bed sheets isn't enough, They want to sleep when life gets rough, They don't want to experience things when they get tough, Being awake is draining, With all the drama, the pain it's always raining, There isn't a brighter day, But they hold onto that hope and stay, Hoping that things will change, Hoping for a better day, Whilst awake they question whether it's worth the pain, Whether it's worth staying, Whether they can go another day, They feel like they can't but don't want to cause further pain, By leaving their family in the rain, So all they want to do is sleep, Sleep for as long as they can so they don't feel weak, Sleep so they don't have to overthink, Sleeping brings peace and gives you dreams, Waking up means dealing with your heart a...